Welcome to our technology news blog, where we provide you with the most recent information on anything technological. We’re dedicated to giving our readers the most thorough coverage of the tech industry, from the most recent hardware launches to the hottest apps and internet trends.
Our team of passionate journalists and tech aficionados will keep you informed and involved with the rapidly changing world of technology and to offer insights into how these developments affect our day-to-day activities at home, at work, and in our free time. Our blog contains something for everyone!

John Gregory is a technology enthusiast and freelance writer who has been passionate about all things tech and computers since he was a child. A survivor of Silicon Valley, he hasnow been transplanted in Silicon Hills in Austin TX. Aside from technology, John is an avid collector of vintage arcade machines and pinball tables. He constantly reminds his parents that his long hours playing computer games did, after all, work out in his favor.